2 metre high Moso in 300 mm pots, were planted out onto one acre occupied by widely spaced (15m2) eucalyptus trees, obtaining water from great depths. The bamboo survived in spite of minimum input, bordering on neglect.
After 5 years the culm diameter was 50 mm. Subsequently, with more regular food and water and a further 3 years, culms emerged at 100mm in diameter.
Rhizomes spread throughout the thin layer of top soil and leaf litter which contains surprising fertility.
Once the available nutrients are used the bamboo will quickly decline in vigour.
If older culms are not culled the grove will go into decline. That is, once you have established a bamboo grove it needs ongoing management to become reliably productive.
With timely water and food, Moso can be co-cropped within an open eucalyptus forest. However. Long term the additional water and nutrients will most likely adversely affect the existing trees, some of which have been in this spot for a couple of centuries.
A more densely foliaged species of tree may not allow sufficient light through to a developing grove.